Tesla sales seem to be sliding.
Some point to the divisiveness of Tesla head honcho Elon Musk as he moves to the far-right politically and engages in behavior regarding the U.S. federal government that appears to be illegal — perhaps buyers don’t want to be painted as supportive of Musk.
Other factors could be Tesla’s known problems with build quality and reliability. Legacy OEMs are also producing electric vehicles that are on par or better than Tesla’s options. Oh, and Tesla doesn’t really sell much below the “luxury” price point.
And, of course, there are sales challenges facing the greater industry at large — stagnating wages, the rising cost of living, et cetera, et cetera.
Those factors aren’t mutually exclusive, of course — more than one could be at play. Still, I ask of you — put on your sales analyst hat and opine why you think Tesla’s sales have slid. As a bonus, feel free to point out your own reason for not purchasing a Tesla if you were in the market.
You know what to do. Sound off below.
[Image: Tesla]
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